Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Second Closet De-Clutter | August 2014

Several years ago, I returned to my home town, and I was confronted with the task of fitting 2+ decades of accumulated items into one bedroom. What did not fit was packed and stored in the attic. I routinely assessed, purged, and re-packed in an effort to align my possessions with my needs.

Clothing was always tough for me. I like a few different styles (e.g. pin-up, steampunk) that do not marry well with a corporate job in a rather provincial city. Also, weight fluctuations, extreme (to me) seasons, and rampant thrift shopping kept me from creating a capsule wardrobe. Hence, my participation in Project 333.

Confession: I still have clothing stored at my parents' house. Granted, it is a small closet full and a small clothing rack in the attic, but those clothes have been weighing on my mind. Since I am staying with my parents for a few days, I decided to take action!


  1. Your clothes are so cute! And you found things to part with. So great. I'm still not there yet with my clothes.

    1. +sunny Thank you! I wish I had a closet filled with steampunk and pin-up-style clothing, but I don't know how that would go over at the office. :-)

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