Tuesday, April 7, 2015

House Tour - 2nd floor

In January, John and I downsized from a three-bedroom, 1.5-bath townhouse in a county north of the city to a smaller place in the city. Our current place is a 986 sf (91.6024 sm) townhouse with two bedrooms and one bathroom. It was built in 1944, and is perfect for us!

We love city living, and we love simple living. Because we have so diligently streamlined our possessions, what you see is the second floor "as-is." I did not tidy or hide things prior to filming.


  1. I love your house, especially the bathroom and the old-fashioned sink! Thanks for sharing your minimalist space, it must be a serene place to unwind after a day in the city- I love city living too, but I don't know if I'd like it as much without a semi-uncluttered place to relax after. Marie Kondo is the best!

    1. Ariana, thank you.

      Agreed, I think that one's home really needs to be a sanctuary. Like you, I find that less is more -- more relaxing, more freeing, etc.

      I love your posts on reducing waste. Now that our home is more simplified, we are ready to focus on reducing what comes in and the amount of waste that we generate.
