Saturday, March 7, 2015

Quick Exercise - Letting Go

Recently, both the Minimalist Sparrow and Sharry Berry uploaded videos on the topic of 10 items that can be tossed quickly and easily. Sharry was inspired by Nora, and Nora was inspired by Courtney Carver.

Some of the categories included: abandoned craft items, old, scary cosmetics, excess dishes, mis-matched Tupperware, duplicate items, and clothing that do not wear.

Given that I have worked through the bulk of my my possessions courtesy of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, I do not have much to address. However, when it comes to simplifying, I believe two things:

  1. That small bursts of simplifying and de-cluttering are ways to keep your home under control while working through your de-cluttering method of choice
  2. Clothing is a category that needs regular attention

After a mere 15 minutes of digging in my closet, I gathered more than 10 items that I am ready to consign and/or donate.


  1. You have some good ideas :) Now I'm going to donate two pair of shoes that are pretty but not practical enough for me. I want to smile when I see what shoes I have and not remember how uncomfortable they are.

    1. You know I subscribe to The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, but there's no harm in kick-starting the process with a quick de-clutter. These little burst can be used to refine the deeper work as well.
